The capacities of the “Agrovesna” cluster are located not far from Kyiv, at Kyiv – Chop highway (65 km). The enterprise established in 2011. For nine years of persevering work, we have managed to reach a desirable result: nowadays, we are the only cluster of berry production in Ukraine. Participants of the cluster (18 producers) farm in total 500 hectares of fields, over 350 hectares from which are planted with berry cultures.
The enterprise is engaged not only in berry cultivation but also delivers a full spectrum of services for producers of “Agrovesna” cluster:

- Land lease
- Protection of plants
- Consulting support
- Equipment lease
- Provision with human resources
- Services of cooling, processing, and sale
Strategic target:
Creation of high-efficiency Agro-Industrial Park for processing and sale of raw fruit production.

Each year the number of the enterprises – producers of the cluster increases, the volume of output of fresh berries, and the assortment grows. In this connection, the question of further development of the enterprise becomes more and more urgent, namely: the building of a complex for storage, sorting, packaging, processing, refrigeration of raw fruit production, which will give the possibility to increase its added cost.